External Resources
- GI ACE Researchers Twitter List
- Gerhard Anders, University of Edinburgh
- Claudia Baez Camargo, Basel Institute on Governance
- Mark Buntaine, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Thorsten Chmura, Nottingham Trent University
- Liz Dávid-Barrett, University of Sussex
- Amrita Dhillon, King’s College London
- Daniel Haberly, University of Sussex
- Jackie Harvey, Northumbria University
- John Heathershaw, University of Exeter
- Ryan Jablonski, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Jacqueline M. Klopp, Columbia University
- Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, University of Nottingham
- Vanessa Watson (RIP), University of Cape Town
- Anticorrp
- Centre for Counter Fraud Studies
- Centre for the Study of Corruption
- Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre
- Corruption and Human Rights Initiative
- Corruption Research Centre
- European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building
- Government Transparency Institute
- Interdisciplinary Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre
- Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN)
- Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption, Griffith University
- Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Centre
- Transnational Research Institute on Corruption
- African Development Bank Group
- African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC)
- African Union
- Anti-Corruption Network (ACN) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Council of Europe Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO)
- European Anti- Fraud Office (OLAF)
- European Partners Against Corruption (EPAC)
- Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
- International Monetary Fund
- Interpol
- Organisation of American States (OAS)
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (South East Europe)
- Southern African Development Community (SADC)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- World Bank
- World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative
- Country-specific links
- Curbing Corruption
- European Corruption Observatory
- International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
- International Association of Anti Corruption Authorities (IAACA)
- International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
- Tax Justice Network
- TRACE International
- Transparency International
- U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre