Academics aren’t usually part of leaked data investigations. That’s starting to change.
Image Credit: Kevin Ku/Pexels Michael Hornsby, Impact Manager at Anti-Corruption Data Collective…
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Building on Phase 1 findings, this project digs deeper into the impact of changes in sociopolitical contexts by focusing on recipient-country regulatory frameworks and their interactions with donor regulations.
This project is the first comparative study of law enforcement efforts targeting high-level corruption in Africa. The focus on enforcement practice promises to generate new evidence regarding investigations and prosecutions in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Malawi.
A behavioural approach is adopted to develop and test an anti-corruption intervention in the Tanzanian health sector, recognising that social norms can fuel practices of gift-giving and bribery between health service providers and users.
The project designs and implements state-of-the-art ethics training courses with civil servants in Nepal and Bangladesh and evaluates their effects on corruption and (un)ethical behaviour in a field experiment.
Image Credit: Kevin Ku/Pexels Michael Hornsby, Impact Manager at Anti-Corruption Data Collective…
This publication focuses on groundbreaking research revealing significant shifts in the pattern…
Much attention was devoted to the corruption that dominated emergency responses during…