Making records open does not always make them useful
GI ACE researcher Jackie Harvey discusses the issue of increasing the transparency of beneficial ownership, with Nigeria as a prime example.
Phase one of research (2018-2022)
GI ACE researcher Jackie Harvey discusses the issue of increasing the transparency of beneficial ownership, with Nigeria as a prime example.
GI ACE researcher Tom Mayne explores the consequences of recent Unexplained Wealth Order cases in the UK
GI-ACE researcher Amrita Dhillon explores compositie indicators across Indian states and what insights might exist for greater service delivery and curbing corruption.
In a new report Liz David-Barrett, Mihaly Fazekas, Agnes Czibik, Bence Toth, and Isabelle Adam make observations and offer recommendations around their experience trying to gather procurement data in India.
How might knowledge about the centrality of informal social networks be used to inform the design of innovative anti-corruption approaches?
GI-ACE researchers explore the multitude of ways traders interpret bribery on East African borders. Especially for small-scale traders with perishable goods, the cost and time involved drive traders to seek out shortcuts.
GI-ACE researcher Matthew T Page presents key takeaways from new policy-relevant research into effectiveness of anti-corruption law enforcement in Nigeria.
Project research assistant Dorothy Ndhlovu reports on the GI-ACE Cities of Integrity project’s networking panel at the tenth annual World Urban Forum.
GI-ACE researcher Ryan Jablonski explores findings from surveys exploring Malawians’ experiences with accessing their medicines and shares additional analysis that sheds light on why Malawians believe individuals are motivated to steal drugs.